envelopesupport@pillarassociates.com phone(803) 622-4536

city of wilmington ncPillar Management Associates offer these ISO 9001 training services to the Charlotte North Carolina area.

  • Understanding Document Control for Quality Management Systems
  • Documenting an Effective Quality Management System
  • Internal Quality Auditing
  • Defining the Key Parameters of a Quality Management System
  • Introduction to ISO 9001 for the CEO
  • Review of the ISO 9001 Standard
  • ISO 9001/QMS Lead Auditor Training

Click to review the ISO 9001 Training Schedule.

The City of Charlotte does not discriminate on the basis of disability. We will provide auxiliary aids and services, written materials in alternative formats, and reasonable modifications in policies and procedures to persons with disabilities upon request.

The Charlotte Business INClusion (CBI) Program seeks to enhance competition and participation of small, minority and women owned firms in City contracting and to promote economic growth and development in the City of Charlotte.

Minority, Women, and Small Business Enterprises (MWSBEs) are major contributors to our state and local economies. The success of our MWSBEs is essential to providing jobs, promoting economic growth, diversifying our economy, and reaching our goals as a City.​