envelopesupport@pillarassociates.com phone(803) 622-4536

city of wilmington ncPillar Management Associates offer these ISO 9001 training services to the Winston-Salem North Carolina area.

  • Understanding Document Control for Quality Management Systems
  • Documenting an Effective Quality Management System
  • Internal Quality Auditing
  • Defining the Key Parameters of a Quality Management System
  • Introduction to ISO 9001 for the CEO
  • Review of the ISO 9001 Standard
  • ISO 9001/QMS Lead Auditor Training

Click to review the ISO 9001 Training Schedule.

The Development Division provides economic development assistance throughout Winston-Salem through various programs that aim to promote business vitality, job creation, and an increased tax base. Ongoing projects are located in:

  • Brookwood (Airport) Business Park
  • Downtown business district
  • Union Cross Business Park
  • Wake Forest Innovation Quarter
  • Other areas
Target Area Business Assistance Program

The Target Area Business Assistance program in Winston-Salem is designed to provide incentives to encourage businesses to locate within distressed areas of the city and to create job opportunities. Minimum qualifications for the program are that:

  • The Company creates or retains at least four permanent jobs
  • The Company invests at least two dollars of private fund for every one dollar of city funds requested
  • The Funds are necessary for the company to move into or expand within the target area
The funds may be used for site, facility or structural improvements, facade or signage and the purchase of capital equipment. The resulting revitalization will, in turn, increase the tax base within these areas of the city.

All assistance must be approved by the City Council following a public hearing. The assistance may be given as a loan or grant, which is determined by the city on a case-by-case analysis. The maximum assistance for any project is $50,000 total. Assistance may be based upon job creation or tax base investment.