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ISO 14001/EMS Training In Charlotte

ISO 14001 glossy ball blueThis courses are comprehensive training for Corporate Administration to Lead Auditors.  They cover techniques, methodology, practices, and skills. It was designed and developed by a team who created and managed an accredited registrar. They are lead auditors and know what training is best for lead auditors.

A slide presentation visually illustrates an actual company’s environmental aspects, a unique feature only in this course. Additionally, the course contains a solid body of environmental auditing knowledge accumulated from five years of EMS audits.

On successful completion of this course and post course assessment, participants will receive a Certificate of Attainment for the following internationally recognized competency units:

Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, and its surrounding 14-county region have a dynamic and diverse population and workforce.

Regional economy continues to see growth. All key industries see a positive
increase in jobs. AI continues to be at the forefront of business as demand for
talent remains high.