envelopesupport@pillarassociates.com phone(803) 622-4536

city of charlottePillar Management Associates offer these ISO Consulting services to the Manassas Virginia

  • ISO 9001 quality system standards
  • EICC RequirementsInternal Audits
  • Business Profitability Improvement
  • Strategic Planning3rd Party Audits
  • ISO 14001 environmental management system
  • BS7799 information security management
  • Leadership Development & Coaching
  • SA 8000
  • SPICE (Automotive SPICE Based on ISO 15504)
  • CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integrated)
  • AS9100 for aerospace
  • ISO 13485 medical device design and manufacturing
  • ISO/IEC 17025 for laboratories
  • OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001

Boasting urban amenities with unique, small-town charm, Manassas attracts a creative class of entrepreneurs who are changing the face of our City. Authentic, eclectic, driven—they are breathing new life onto the streets of Manassas.

Our economy is strong and strengthens with each new business and each new expansion. Companies, large and small, are finding success. From micro-breweries and distilleries, to one-of-a-kind restaurants and boutique retail shops, to international employers like Micron and Lockheed Martin, they all are experiencing growth.