envelopesupport@pillarassociates.com phone(803) 622-4536

city of charlottePillar Management Associates offer these ISO 9001 training services to the Leesburg VA area.

  • Understanding Document Control for Quality Management Systems
  • Documenting an Effective Quality Management System
  • Internal Quality Auditing
  • Defining the Key Parameters of a Quality Management System
  • Introduction to ISO 9001 for the CEO
  • Review of the ISO 9001 Standard
  • ISO 9001/QMS Lead Auditor Training

Click to review the ISO 9001 Training Schedule.

The Town of Leesburg is now an Exploring Main Street community with the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).

Main Street is a national model created by the National Main Street Center (NMSC), a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. It is designed to bring jobs, dollars, and people to small towns and commercial districts while leveraging private investment and capitalizing on the unique appeal of historic downtowns.

The program is divided into four (4) Community Revitalization Program Tiers, which provide increasing opportunities and responsibilities depending upon the level selected.

In September, the Town applied for and received a Tier 2 designation, “Exploring Main Street”. This requires a non-competitive application identifying a specific area for designation, supported by a Town Council resolution, and allows a locality to become eligible for several grants and provides access to additional state resources.

“Becoming an official Main Street Community at this level will provide the Town and local business community access to a variety of resources,” said Economic Development Director Russell Seymour. This would include grants, consulting services, and training tied to commercial district revitalization. “It will also enable participants to determine interest in further advancing this program.”

The Virginia Main Street program has created more than 7,000 businesses, 24,000 jobs, and has generated more than $1.8 billion in public and private investment in Virginia.