envelopesupport@pillarassociates.com phone(803) 622-4536

INSTRUCTOR-MENTOR COURSEISO 45001 glossy ball blue

(prior auditing experience is required)

Course: OH&S ISO 45001 Lead Auditor Course (Modules OH, AU, TL) certified by Exemplar Global.

Description of Delivery:

  • Initial phone meeting to discuss meeting method (e.g. Zoom, GoToMeeting, WebEx, Skype, et.al.)

    exlemplar global certified trainer

  • Determine specific needs
  • 1-3 online meeting sessions (as needed) during a predetermined period, with Trainer
  • scheduled by either the trainer or the student to cover the material for comprehension.

Trainer Responsibilities:

  • Send the student the initiation package and prework
  • Be available to the student at scheduled trainings (initiates telephone calls).
  • Send training manual via Dropbox and make student evaluations available electronically (i.e. Word).
  • Grade student evaluations and provide feedback in order for the student to conduct and resubmit (as necessary) in order to determine competence.
  • Provide certificate at conclusion of successful training.

Cost / Date:

  • $1,595 for up to 50 employees
  • We are now preparing for our May schedule

Student Responsibilities:

  • Obtain the required standard
  • Be available at scheduled trainings
  • Complete the course evaluations for each module (OH, AU, TL) and return for grading (email or mail).
  • As necessary, resubmit evaluations to Pillar after feedback is provided.
  • Pre-Pay course fee of $1,595.
  • If you are a previous or existing customer, contact us for a discount code.

Pillar Management Associates
187 Dug Hill Trail
Tryon, NC 28782
Tap (803) 622-4536

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